The Moon & Mental Health
Taking care of mental health is more normalized. However, now the issue lies in the consistency and methods of maintaining mental health. Many ways to support mental health include physical activity, building hobbies, and connecting with nature. Today, a technique that is not discussed enough is maintaining mental health using the moon cycles. Using nature's timing is a great way to renew, express gratitude, and manifest the ideal life you want.
Why The Moon?
Honouring the moon has been a practice of our ancestors across various races and religions. That aspect aside, the shared common ground is the intention behind the worship. The purpose is to release what is not serving you or manifesting your desires.
It is a great schedule to link with gratitude journaling depending on the lunar cycles. This is essential because gratitude is a great practice to use when strengthening your beliefs. The moon is also known to affect the water levels of the ocean.
Although no scientific evidence exists to 100% show that it does the same for our bodies. This leads to the belief that the moon affects our circadian rhythms, dreams, mental health, and sleep. The importance lies in the intention of the practice. To read more about the shared commonality between religions, visit this article or this blog.
How To Align
Full Moon
The general idea is to focus on the intention and visualize how it relates to you. For example, the best practice is to release when it is a full moon—essentially, releasing habits, people or environments that no longer serve you.
Journaling or simply visualizing your intentions puts you in a meditative state where your mind aligns with this intention. You are essentially programming your mind to believe your choice. This helps with managing mental illness because writing and strengthening your confidence in yourself rewires how you think.
Cultivating gratitude is essential because it humbles us and opens our spirits to positivity and love. Additionally, writing down your gratitude along with your releases acts as additional support to your request. This can be from the smallest act of kindness or on a more extensive physical scale. To learn more about the benefits of gratitude, read this article.
New Moon
However, when it is a new moon, this is symbolic of new beginnings and fresh starts. The intention behind this is to visualize or journal the best version of yourself and your life. Be specific. Write out what you plan on achieving and how it will be earned.
Write in the present tense and focus on your belief in these intentions. Again, gratitude must always be included because this act clears any unknown blocks and opens us up to more possibilities.
It teaches us to enjoy our life in the humble moments to carry that energy when we achieve our goals. This programs our mind to believe what we write and subconsciously act in alignment with these goals.
Making positive statements becomes a reality with positive acts in the right direction. That is the goal of meditation and manifestation. To read more on the influence of the moon, visit this article.
What Does This Teach Us?
Now, what do these practices all teach us? I enjoy these practices because they connect you to your power and evolution. It shows us that we all share bits and pieces of one another through the hope of creating a better world/version of ourselves.
This is important because one person’s success influences another. There is infinite room for success. Accepting your power is APPRECIATING the energy of everything around you. This means respecting nature, respecting hard love (yes, even when it hurts), and respecting your best version of yourself.
Humans are part of the first hierarchy. It is important to remember that we cannot succeed as a species without allowing the rest of the hierarchy to strive.
This is what alignment is. It never ends, and it is always in constant evolution. It will never get more accessible, and we will become more attuned and stronger.
Regardless of how your practice of connecting to the divine or your power looks, it does not matter if you are consistent. If you are most connected during your hot girl walks and listening to music, prayer, meditation, journaling, or breathing practices.
What counts is the connection you build to strengthen your mind, beliefs, and confidence. Using the moon's phases is a small step and a great way to track how you journal or pray.
Much of the mediation comes from indigenous communities, pagan beliefs, Hindu beliefs and more. However, remember when practicing mediation to respect the culture and beliefs it originates from. Do your research and appreciate the practices that inspire you.
Recognize what you are practicing, respect what you are practicing, and express your gratitude for the ability to practice. Learn more about the remaining lunar phases of 2022 here.
Read more on mediation, “The Science Behind Crystals.”
Read more on self-love “Inner Beauty is Outer Beauty.”
Read more on boundaries in “Acting In My Divine Woman.”