The Importance of Counter-Culture

Counter-culture is a movement needed for progression and helps define authenticity in society. Anything mainstream or trendy requires a level of fitting in. This is what makes counter-culture so fascinating. For context, according to Google, counter-culture is defined as “a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm.” Counter-culture isn’t about being different but the importance of the freedom from living authentically.

Identifying Today’s “Counter-Culture”

Historically, the counter-culture movement began in the 60s. This was when sexual liberation, individualism, and human rights started their fight for systemic integration. Today, this movement continues but is expressed differently. Today counter-culture has become a trend. 

Finding legitimacy in those with the voice and compassion to live authentically makes it challenging. In the health community, loving your body unapologetically is the counter-trend. For lifestyle, there is the “clean girl aesthetic” compared to the moody nightlife. 

The fashion community has aesthetics that fit the male versus female gaze. Although these differences are significant because it promotes diversity, the issue lies in the fact that it’s a trend.

Problems of Counter Culture as a Trend

Ironically, when something becomes a trend, it removes the power of impact because of inclusivity. On the other hand, it creates community and connection. It becomes less authentic because trends allow creators to get coverage and build their community. Sometimes counter-trends also become an excuse to validate negative behaviours. 

For example, in the health community, the counter-trend is to love your body regardless if it does not fit societal expectations. The problem with this is not about loving your body but instead using that “self-love” to be lazy. The same applies to the lifestyle trend of a “clean girl” aesthetic versus a moody nightlife lifestyle, where the counter-trends can glamorize destructive coping mechanisms. While in fashion, the counter-trends can give external validation when it needs internal validation.

Use Your Discernment

Identifying these issues raises the question of where that leaves creators and how this is relevant to consumers. As a creator, participate in trends that show your authenticity. Stand in your imperfections but don’t use them as a cop-out to maintain a low-vibrational living or laziness. 

As a consumer, realize there are three sides to the story, the mainstream trend, the counter-trend, and authenticity. Most of the time, authenticity lies somewhere in between. Without the extremities of the mainstream and counter-culture, growth cannot happen. That growth is understanding the pros and cons from both perspectives and living in your truth.

Everything is Intentional

Recognize the intention of what is in front of you, and don’t be afraid to question and analyze what seems conclusive. Things that seem definitive need to be examined the most. More importantly, don’t be easily convinced. That said, authenticity creates the trend and may even fit into other movements. 

Being different for the sake of being different isn’t just overrated but also a trend in itself, and my opinion, this is just a group of counter-pick me’s. The power behind counter-culture is far more profound than being different. It’s rooted in the fight that it takes to be you. That said, aligning with your authenticity brings you to your highest vibration and gives you your power.


The limited freedom in today’s society is due to the fight of those that demanded it in the past. It is your birthright to exist as yourself — and to do so in the most unapologetic way. Use your soul and skills to cultivate an existence that aligns with you. Take advantage of your circumstance, resources, and skill to work towards a life best suited for you. In doing so, this honours the privilege created from our past while cultivating a better existence for the future. Change is in every single one of us. Manifesting change is living as your authenticity resulting in the progression started by our ancestors.

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